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Why Is Microsoft Excel Still Vital In Business Infrastructures?

Last Updated on: 21st November 2023, 09:17 pm

Much about the business environment has changed overtime, though one constant has remained for several years: the use of Microsoft programmes.

Enjoying a long and storied history, Microsoft has constantly reinvented itself through the years, with Bill Gates dream of there being “a computer on every desk, and every one running Microsoft software” effectively remaining true to this day. However, though there’re many programmes under the Microsoft umbrella, it’s Excel that remains a go-to favourite when it comes to the management of data.

Why is Excel still predominantly used in the business environment today? How has it earned its essential position in corporate infrastructure? Well, it could be for any of the following reasons…

Refined Presentation

Many firms like to have their customer and client data recorded in a smart and structured fashion, and Excel is a resourceful tool for making it all happen.

The use of cells enables meticulous organisation, making sure all data can be well structured. Where data is not stored in the right format, users can easily manipulate the cell contents to meet their requirements.  One common example is needing to split data into two separate cells. If you follow the steps in this article (which contains step-by-step screen shows and a video) you will be able to achieve this common data transformation requirement.

Ultimately, Excel is simply the go-to programme for data storage. With further options enabling you to fine tune precisely how you manage such vital information, you can exercise a high degree of control over your data right down to the finest details.

User-Friendly Software

Despite its myriad of elaborate uses, Excel is a fine example of user-friendly software.

A range of tools make this platform incredibly accessible, such as the AutoSum feature which allows users to add up their figures in an instant, or the PivotTable data analysis tool, allowing users to apply custom segments, filters, and other features to make their metrics more discernible. In an instant, percentages from inputted data can be formulated too.

Put simply, it doesn’t take much brain power or technological finesse to put Excel to good use. Anyone from senior management figures to recent graduates embarking on the first steps of their careers can use this software quite capably. Because of this, common ground can quickly be established amongst all staff in the firm, and less time and resources are spent on training with complex new systems.

Unmatched Reliability

Sometimes, keeping processes simple and straightforward is the best thing for a business.

After all, the firms that mismanage company data often fall under intense scrutiny. Companies such as Facebook repeatedly learns this lesson the hard way, letting their ambitions override any sense of responsibility they should feel with such important information. Arguably, their reputation is unsalvageable after so many public mishaps with customer data.

Why make things more convoluted when managing important data? Because of the familiarity most people have with a programme like Excel, it’s a safety net for most business operations. So long as all users interact with the software responsibly, very few problems should ever arise. It can grant peace of mind, also, in that there’re fewer nasty surprises when using familiar software.

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