US government is aware that extraterrestrial pranksters are manipulating human beings, claims new movie

New UFO Film, “The Cosmic Joker,” Explores the Possibility of an Alien Trickster Behind Mysterious Sightings

Saturday 6 July, 2024 – A new UFO film, “The Cosmic Joker,” is now available for streaming on Tubi and Youtube worldwide. The film delves into the intriguing theory that an alien entity may be deliberately confusing and misleading humanity in an effort to prevent us from uncovering the truth about UFOs.

Inspired by the work of late author and US ufologist John Keel, the film explores the concept of a “trickster” element in UFO and alien encounters. Keel, known for his book and subsequent film “The Mothman Prophecies,” used his investigative skills as a journalist to study the UFO phenomenon. Through his research, which included analyzing thousands of newspaper reports and historical sightings, he concluded that there was a strange, almost paranormal aspect to these sightings. He referred to this intelligence as the “Cosmic Joker” or trickster, as it seemed to constantly play with and confuse humanity.

Award-winning filmmaker and UFO researcher Mark Christopher Lee explains, “I wanted to make this film to delve into the bizarre and perplexing nature of the UFO experience. We investigate incidents like the Robert Taylor encounter in Scotland, where a forest worker claimed to have been attacked by an alien resembling a sea mine with metallic appendages, and compare it to the Pascagoula event in the US, where two fishermen were allegedly taken aboard a spaceship by beings with crab-like pincers. Is there a deeper meaning behind these sightings? Is Keel’s theory of a Cosmic Joker behind it all true?”

Lee raises thought-provoking questions about the nature of these encounters and the appearance of the entities involved. He wonders if the entities take on familiar forms, such as those from biblical times or Hindu texts, to adapt to the culture of our times. Lee also suggests that the US government may be aware of this trickster intelligence and intentionally withholding the truth from the public.

“The Cosmic Joker” is now available for streaming on Tubi and Youtube worldwide. For interviews and exclusive content, please contact

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