Simple Registration Increases Credit Application Success by 27.7%, Reports

Last Updated on: 24th May 2024, 06:10 am is dedicated to aiding individuals who are shut out of mainstream lending to enhance their credit scores and obtain credit.

Recently, the company identified a simple yet effective strategy: registering on the electoral roll – and it has already shown remarkable results.

The electoral roll, or electoral register, is a list of eligible voters. Beyond voting, it plays a crucial role in credit applications, as lenders use it to verify your identity and address.

In early April, initiated a follow-up campaign encouraging previously declined applicants to register on the electoral roll, monitor improvements to their scores, and reapply if an improvement is observed.

Since the company only performs soft credit searches, there are no long-term negative effects from carrying out multiple loan search applications on its site.

So far, encouraging clients to register on the electoral roll has led to a 27.7% increase in successful credit applications.

Paul Gillooly of commented, “Through our discussions with numerous declined applicants, we discovered that many were either unaware of the positive impact that registering to vote could have on their credit scores, or they had not updated their electoral roll to reflect their current address.”

How to Register

Registering on the electoral roll is easy. Visit the government’s voter registration website, fill in your details, and submit. You’ll need your National Insurance number and some personal details.

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