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CEO of UK’s largest commercial property company Land Securities, Mark Allan, appeared on Ian King’s show to discuss the current state of valuations in the industry. According to Allan, there are signs that valuations are beginning to stabilise.

On the topic of mergers and acquisitions, Colin Godfrey, chief executive of Tritax Big Box REIT, joined the show to discuss the company’s recent merger with UK commercial property REIT. This merger has been a significant move for the company, with Godfrey sharing insights on the potential benefits and growth opportunities it will bring.

In addition, Ruth Mortimer, global president at Advertising Week Europe, also made an appearance on the show. Mortimer shared her expertise on the advertising industry and provided insights on the latest trends and developments.

Listeners can tune in to The Ian King Business Podcast to hear these insightful discussions and more. To stay updated on the latest business news and insights, be sure to subscribe to the podcast.

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