Royal Estate Invaded By UFO According To New Film

New Documentary Explores British Royal Family’s Interest in UFOs and the Paranormal

On Friday, July 19th, 2024, a new documentary titled “The King Of UFOs” will be released, delving into the British Royal family’s fascination with UFOs and the supernatural. The film also explores the potential role of King Charles in bringing UFO disclosure to both the UK and USA.

One of the most intriguing moments in the documentary features John Hanson, a retired CID Police Officer with close ties to Lord Louis Mountbatten. Hanson recalls an event at Mountbatten’s Broadlands Estate in Hampshire, where a laborer named Fred Briggs was knocked off his bike after witnessing a UFO descend onto the estate’s land. Briggs’ testimony is on record at Broadlands, and there is even a statement from Lord Mountbatten himself, vouching for the credibility of Mr. Briggs.

Other astonishing encounters with the Royal family include an incident where Prince Phillip nearly came face to face with a possible extraterrestrial named Janus at a Chelsea flat. Phillip’s confidant, Sir Peter Horsley, was a UFO enthusiast and often kept the Prince up to date on the latest sightings. Horsley even arranged for a meeting with what he believed to be a genuine alien named Janus, who claimed to want to speak with people in positions of authority in order to spread a message that would save humanity. However, Prince Phillip wisely chose not to attend, and it was later discovered that Janus was most likely a Soviet spy.

Both the Queen and Prince Phillip’s interest in UFOs and crop circles continued, and the documentary reveals a story of Queen Elizabeth II dispatching her own scientific advisor in the middle of the night to investigate the latest crop circle formation in Wiltshire.

The film also features testimony and evidence from former Naval diver Dan Costello, who claims to have seen Prince Charles piloting a UFO craft in Nova Scotia in 1975. Costello describes Charles as one of three pilots in a dome-shaped craft that used a unique electromagnetic propulsion system and had a trailing blue ionic flame.

Film-maker Mark Christopher Lee acknowledges that Costello’s testimony may seem far-fetched, but he has verified much of the information and evidence provided and has even written to King Charles to confirm the events. If Costello’s claims are true, it raises questions about the advanced technology used and why Prince Charles was flying it.

Former Ministry of Defence officer Nick Pope also weighs in on the potential role King Charles would play in the event of first contact with extraterrestrial beings. “As head of state and head of the Anglican Church, he would have an important role to play,” says Pope. “People would look to him for guidance on how to react and handle a visit from extraterrestrials.”

“The King Of UFOs” will be available soon on Amazon Prime and Tubi, and the trailer can be viewed here: Distributed by

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