“Revolutionary Workspace Booking App Unveiled by Workabout”

Workabout Launches Flexible Workspace Marketplace to Meet Growing Demand for Remote Work

On Monday 15 July, 2024, Workabout, the innovative booking platform app for flexible, on-demand workspace, officially launched its new marketplace, making it easier and more accessible for individuals and businesses to find and book flexible workspaces.

The platform offers hourly and daily booking options with no binding membership or contract required, similar to popular apps like Uber and Just Eat. Users can search for over 500 high-quality local and city-based workspaces across the UK, including hot desks, private offices, meeting rooms, co-working spaces, and event spaces. The platform also allows users to search for specific amenities to suit their individual needs.

One of the unique features of Workabout is its flexibility, as no membership is required to book at any of the leading workspace partner brands such as Landmark, Runway East, Bruntwood, Fora, Clockwise, and Spacemade. Users simply sign up for free, pay as they go, and have the freedom to work in their desired way.

For established businesses, start-ups, employees, or freelancers looking for flexible workspace options, Workabout offers a convenient, efficient, and cost-effective solution.

Workabout founder and CEO, Jeffrey Davidson, came up with the concept for the platform after realizing the growing demand for flexible working options post-pandemic. He explains, “There is a substantial demand for flexible working, but the question is, as businesses, how do we efficiently evolve and adapt outdated work models to address this? The process of booking workspace was overly complicated, and I felt there needed to be a more efficient way.”

In addition to the marketplace, Workabout will also be launching Teams and HQ workplace management SaaS tools later this year and plans for global marketplace expansion.

Workabout’s core belief is that everyone works differently, and their platform aims to cater to those diverse needs. Whether someone is looking to swap a noisy coffee shop for a dedicated workspace, collaborate with team members in a private meeting room, be part of a vibrant co-working community, or find a pet-friendly hot desk, Workabout has a perfect workspace for everyone.

Studies have shown that hybrid working can make employees happier, healthier, and more productive, as evidenced by a 2024 study published in the scientific journal, Nature, by Nick Bloom, a professor of economics at Stanford University.

Jeffrey believes that embracing technology and a human-focused approach is the key to finding the right balance between remote work and returning to the office. He shares, “My business has always been office-based, but the pandemic opened my eyes to what is possible when you embrace technology and the flexibility it enables. Adopting new ways of working can bring huge benefits, making our work more efficient and providing greater access to choice, opportunities, and cost savings.”

The Workabout team practices what they preach, with a remote-first ethos and a team spread across various locations in the UK. The platform is also keen on curating workspaces where people need them. As their list of workspace partners continues to grow, the team is constantly working with clients to add workspaces in and around towns and cities to avoid long and unnecessary commutes.

Workabout Chief of Communications, Ebony Ava Johnson, shares her personal experience with the platform, saying, “As a single parent living in a remote village in Lancashire, Workabout’s flexible ethos has given me access to an amazing job that would have otherwise been inaccessible to me because of my location. Flexible working has offered crucial support to our team members with families, and we can’t imagine working any other way now.”

To sign up and learn more about Workabout and their marketplace, visit https://www.workabout.com/meet/marketplace. You can also follow them on LinkedIn at https://uk.linkedin.com/company/workaboutglobal and on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/workaboutglobal/.

Press release distributed by https://pressat.co.uk/.

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