New guidance released by CIBSE, Introba, and Amazon for calculating embodied carbon in warehouse equipment at logistics hubs

London, UK – On Tuesday, 21 May 2024, The Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE) announced the release of a comprehensive Europe-wide guidance, titled “Embodied carbon in building services: logistics centres (TM65.3).” This groundbreaking industry guidance, developed in collaboration with Introba and Amazon, aims to help the logistics industry assess the embodied carbon of material handling equipment (MHE) and mechanical, electrical and plumbing (MEP) equipment commonly used in logistics centres.

According to the Global Material Handling Equipment Markets Report, the global market size of MHE was estimated to reach $193 billion in 2030, making it a significant contributor to carbon emissions in the logistics industry. To address this issue, TM65.3 provides a methodology for calculating and understanding the embodied carbon of MHE and MEP strategies, enabling stakeholders to make informed decisions aligned with their sustainability goals.

The guidance, which builds upon the methodology outlined in “Embodied carbon in building services: A calculation methodology (TM65),” will benefit a wide array of stakeholders, including logistics building owners, manufacturers, retailers, architects, engineers, policymakers, researchers, and students. By providing comprehensive insights into the embodied carbon impact of MHE and MEP strategies, the document empowers stakeholders to make informed decisions and drive positive change.

Dr Anastasia Mylona, CIBSE’s Technical Director, stated, “This launch marks a significant milestone in understanding the embodied carbon implications of logistics buildings and underscores our commitment to sustainability within the built environment.” She also highlighted the collaboration with Amazon and Introba, stating that it “will empower stakeholders across the logistics sector with actionable insights to drive positive change.”

Frank Lindner, Director of Operations Engineering EMEA at Amazon, also commented on the collaboration, saying, “Calculating and understanding embodied carbon is a challenge across many sectors, and we’re proud to have supported CIBSE in their efforts to create robust industry guidance that will help Amazon and all those in the industry better understand their footprints and make more informed design and buying decisions.”

Andy Stanton, Head of Sustainability for UK & Europe at Introba, emphasized the importance of understanding the embodied carbon of the fast-growing logistics sector, stating, “There is no sign of demand for goods and services decreasing any time soon, so the need to understand the embodied carbon of the fast-growing logistics sector is paramount.”

As the logistics industry continues to evolve, TM65.3 will serve as a dynamic resource, with information continually updated as more manufacturers disclose data and Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) become more prevalent. This ongoing collaboration between CIBSE, Amazon, and Introba underscores a shared commitment to sustainability and innovation within the logistics sector.

For more information on TM65.3, please visit CIBSE TM65.3 Embodied carbon in building services.

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