“Meet the female founder of Nc’nean, UK’s inaugural net zero whisky distillery: Would you have asked a man the same question?”

UK’s First Net Zero Whiskey Distillery Led by Female Team

Annabel Thomas, a former strategy consultant in London, left her job over a decade ago to pursue her dream of changing the way the world perceives whisky. Now, she has successfully created the UK’s first net zero whiskey distillery, Nc’nean, with a female-led team.

The idea for Nc’nean came to Annabel while touring traditional distilleries and realizing that the industry lacked focus on sustainability. She wanted to challenge this norm and cater to the increasing demand for sustainable products. Annabel’s vision was further inspired by her parents’ farm, where she dreamt of converting an old building into a distillery.

After four years of rigorous work, fundraising, and construction, Nc’nean was finally established in the scenic Highlands of Scotland. The first bottle was produced three years later. Annabel, now 41, shares her journey with the Money team, stating that she faced skepticism and doubt from others about her ambitious project. However, she persisted and proved them wrong.

The process of setting up Nc’nean was a long and challenging one, especially juggling the financial needs of her family and childcare. Annabel initially took a sabbatical from her job and worked on Nc’nean during weekends to ensure a steady income. Eventually, her business became a full-time job, and she launched a seed funding round to kickstart the project.

However, getting funding for a distillery was no easy feat. Annabel explains that unlike other startups, a distillery requires a significant amount of upfront investment. She had to raise £5m before producing a single drop of liquid, making it a different profile compared to other businesses.

Annabel admits that the funding process was particularly tough, and she wonders if it would have been easier if she were a man. It took her two years to secure the required funds, and she believes it may have taken less time if she were a man. However, she acknowledges that she cannot be certain.

Apart from funding challenges, Annabel also faced obstacles as a woman in a male-dominated industry. She recalls constantly being asked if she actually liked whisky, something that she believes would not have been asked to a man. Despite these challenges, Annabel persevered and focused on creating something unique.

Sustainability was at the heart of Nc’nean’s creation, and it is powered solely by renewable energy. It is also the first distillery to be verified as having net zero carbon emissions from its own operations and uses 100% recycled clear glass bottles. Annabel explains that this seemingly small change saves 40% of carbon emissions compared to using new materials.

However, Annabel’s journey was not without personal challenges. Childcare was a major obstacle for her, and she believes that as a country, there is a lack of proper support systems for working mothers. Balancing work and family life is a constant struggle, and Annabel always feels like she’s not spending enough time with her family.

Her advice to other women looking to venture into male-dominated fields is to use their differences to their advantage. Annabel believes that being a woman in such an industry is an advantage, as it brings a different perspective that can help create something unique. She also recommends seeking out support groups and surrounding oneself with people who know more.

Annabel’s journey with Nc’nean is a testament to the power of perseverance and determination in the face of challenges. With her net zero distillery, she has not only made a mark in the whisky industry but has also paved the way for more sustainable practices in the production process.

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