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Lawyer Doron Levy Sheds Light on the Significance of Class Action Lawsuits

Last Updated on: 22nd November 2023, 04:29 pm

Lawyer Doron Levy, at the helm of the Class Action Department at Amit, Pollak, Matalon & Co., and a prominent figure in the legal world, recently emphasised the importance of class action lawsuits as a tool for individuals challenging powerful corporations or entities.

A specialist in tax-related class actions, Adv. Levy offered insights into how these lawsuits serve as an effective mechanism for rectifying wrongs. He underscored, “In class action lawsuits, insignificant amounts add up to huge sums,” highlighting the collective strength inherent in these legal actions.

Adv. Levy provided his perspective on the matter: “It makes no sense for an individual to file a claim against a large entity for a small amount, but collectively, the sums can reach tens of millions of shekels and even more. A class action lawsuit is a powerful mechanism where individuals unite to represent all those harmed by the actions of a particular entity. In the realm of class actions, cumulative damages, even if seemingly small on an individual level, can amass to substantial sums, providing a compelling case for justice.”

He recalled a landmark case against Israel Electric Corporation involving an overcharge of three agorot per kilowatt-hour, which cumulatively amounted to 10 billion shekels. This case exemplifies the significant financial impact that can be achieved through class action lawsuits.

Discussing the challenges and opportunities in managing class action lawsuits, Levy said, “Managing a diverse group of plaintiffs with different interests poses a challenge, but we can generally find common ground. The power of the law in defending citizens’ rights is exemplified by our ability to navigate through challenges and bring about justice through class action lawsuits.”

Regarding class actions against the state, Levy notes, “It’s crucial to note that the grounds for such lawsuits against the state are limited. Nevertheless, class actions against the state play a vital role, particularly in areas such as tax collection and mandatory payments not collected in accordance with the law.”

On settlements and legal approval, Levy remarks, “Settlements can be reached involving partial payments or the cessation of wrongful behavior by the defendant. It’s essential to highlight that any agreement reached must undergo court scrutiny and approval to become legally binding.”

Adv. Levy concludes with a powerful statement: “The ability to file class action lawsuits illustrates the power of the law in defending citizens’ rights. This legal avenue ensures that even giant corporations, with abundant resources, are not above the law and are constantly under scrutiny.”

For further details on class action lawsuits and Adv. Doron Levy’s services, please reach out to him directly.

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