“Green Hydrogen @ Blue Danube Receives Millions in Funding through IPCEI and Hydrogenious LOHC”

German Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Action announces 72,5 million Euro grant for Green Hydrogen @ Blue Danube project

Berlin, Germany – On Monday, July 15, 2024, German Federal Minister of Economics Dr Robert Habeck and Dr Markus Wittmann, Ministerial Director of the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy, personally handed over the grant notification of 72,5 million Euro to Hydrogenious LOHC Infra Bavaria. The subsidiary of Hydrogenious LOHC Technologies will use the funding to build an LOHC hub in southern Bavaria by 2028, with the aim of releasing up to 1,800 tons of green hydrogen annually for local industrial offtakers and pipeline injection.

The project, which has already been notified by the European Commission in February 2024 as an “Important Project of Common European Interest” (IPCEI) in the hydrogen “Hy2Infra” wave, has received 70% of its funding from the federal government and 30% from the state of Bavaria. It is seen as a crucial step towards a sustainable and stable hydrogen supply for industry in Central Europe.

The LOHC ReleasePLANT, to be built as part of the Green Hydrogen @ Blue Danube project, will supply up to 1,800 tons of green hydrogen to offtakers in the Bavarian industrial area in the Danube region starting in 2028. This will be made possible by the innovative “Liquid Organic Hydrogen Carrier” (LOHC) technology developed by Hydrogenious, which allows for the safe and easy transportation of large quantities of hydrogen using existing liquid fuel infrastructure. The hydrogen can also be injected into pipeline networks, such as HyPipe Bavaria, which is planned to be expanded to the German Hydrogen Core Network and the European Hydrogen Backbone.

According to Dr Robert Habeck, Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, the promotion of hydrogen projects is a crucial step towards a climate-neutral and sustainable economy in Europe and beyond. He emphasizes the importance of efficient hydrogen infrastructure in enabling the decarbonization of industry and the energy sector, stating that “hydrogen pipelines will be the lifelines of industrial centers.”

Bavarian Minister of Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy Hubert Aiwanger also sees the Green Hydrogen @ Blue Danube project as an important milestone in the development of an efficient and diversified hydrogen infrastructure for Europe, Germany and Bavaria. He believes that the funding grant will provide an important impulse for global hydrogen supply chains and highlights Bavaria’s commitment to being a home for innovative solutions in the field of hydrogen.

Dr Daniel Teichmann, CEO and founder of Hydrogenious LOHC Technologies, expresses his gratitude to the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection and the Bavarian Ministry for Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy for their trust and support. He believes that the projects notified by the EU as IPCEI are essential for the timely ramp-up of the European hydrogen economy and is proud to be a part of it. He adds that by building up the world’s largest LOHC-based hydrogen supply infrastructure, Hydrogenious is contributing to the achievement of Germany’s ambitious goals to accelerate the energy transition and decarbonize industry by 2030.

Hydrogenious LOHC Technologies, founded in 2013, provides the missing link for flexible hydrogen supply chains worldwide. Its proven Liquid Organic Hydrogen Carrier (LOHC) technology enables the storage and transport of hydrogen in a safe, simple, and efficient way, making it a market pioneer in the field. The company’s portfolio includes stationary and mobile LOHC-based applications, including turnkey (de)hydrogenation plants, operation & maintenance, and LOHC logistics.

For more information, please contact:

Frank Erik Walter, Global Media Relations & PR


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