Government plans may allow 18-year-olds to become train drivers

Government Proposal Could Allow 18-Year-Olds to Become Train Drivers

In an effort to address ongoing staffing issues in the railway industry, the government has put forth a proposal that would lower the minimum age for train driver applicants to 18. This proposal, announced on Thursday, aims to provide more job opportunities for young people and improve the reliability of train services across the country.

According to the current regulations, individuals must be at least 20 years old to apply for a train driver position. However, if the government’s proposal is approved, “thousands of opportunities could open up for younger people as early as this summer.” The proposal comes at a time when train passengers have been facing frequent delays and cancellations due to strike action in recent months.

The government believes that lowering the age limit for train driver applicants would have a positive impact on the railway industry. “It would build resilience across the railway,” states the proposal, “as aspiring train drivers could get an apprenticeship upon finishing school and train to join the shrinking workforce.” With many current train drivers approaching retirement age and the average age of a train driver being 48 years old, the industry is facing a potential shortage of skilled workers.

Rail Minister Huw Merriman expressed his support for the proposal, stating, “We want to open the door for young people considering transport as a career, and this proposal could give school-leavers a clear path into the sector.” He believes that by increasing age diversity in the industry and attracting more train drivers, the government can both support reliable services and create opportunities for young people.

Becoming a licensed train driver involves passing a series of mandatory exams, including medical, psychological, fitness, and general professional competence tests. Trainees must also receive training on the specific infrastructure and rolling stock they will be operating.

The consultation on lowering the minimum age for train driver applicants has begun and will continue until June 13th. The government is seeking feedback from stakeholders before making a final decision. If approved, this proposal could have a significant impact on the future of the railway industry, providing more job opportunities for young people and ensuring reliable services for train passengers.

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