“Global Initiative Climate Foundation Releases Inspiring Video for World Children’s Day”

Krefeld, [20.09.2024] – On this year’s World Children’s Day and in conjunction with the global climate strike, the cooldown°earth Foundation has released a music video titled ‘A Message from the Children of Tomorrow’. The three-and-a-half-minute long video features children from the future, sending an emotional plea for assistance to the current generation. Through dystopian scenes, the children urge for immediate action to be taken towards the climate crisis. The music, voices, and film sequences were largely created by AI, utilizing freely available programs such as ChatGPT, Suno, and Runway.

Dr. Annekathrin Edelmann, founder and member of the foundation’s board, states, “Especially on World Children’s Day, it becomes evident that we must not only act for ourselves, but also for the sake of future generations.”

In addition to the music video, the foundation has also launched an AI-powered chatbot on their website, allowing visitors to interact with the ‘children of tomorrow’ and gain a deeper understanding of the potential consequences of our current actions.

Felix Glauner, creator of the film and board member of the foundation, adds, “For us, the music video and the use of AI serves as an experiment to explore new methods of communication in regards to climate protection.”

The music video can be viewed at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bv7klZwDi-k and further information, including the AI chatbot, can be found at www.cooldown.earth.

Media contact:

Annika Kirchner, Board of Directors

cooldown°earth Foundation

Tiergartenstr. 81, 47800 Krefeld

E-mail: kirchner@cooldown.earth

Mobile: +49-178112613

*Distributed by https://pressat.co.uk/

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