“From Cumbria to the South Pole and back: A Journey Without Leaving Home”

Cumbrian Businesses Walk Equivalent of Cumbria to South Pole and Back for Charity Challenge

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Over 130 staff members from 18 Cumbrian companies and organizations have completed an impressive feat in support of local charities. They walked, ran, and swam a total of 19,882 miles, the equivalent of traveling from Cumbria to the South Pole and back. This was all part of the Virtual Coast to Coast Challenge organized by Cumbria Community Foundation, which raised over £12,500 for various good causes in the county.

The challenge, which was created to celebrate the Foundation’s 25th anniversary, saw participants completing the 171-mile virtual route from St Bees to Robin Hood’s Bay. They did so by engaging in various physical activities such as walking, running, swimming, and even using stationary exercise equipment at home, in the office, and at the gym.

Among the 18 companies that took part were Armstrong Watson, Oxley Developments, and Intro PR. In addition, several beneficiaries of Cumbria Community Foundation, including the Centre for Leadership Performance, Phoenix Enterprise Centre, and Calderwood House, also joined in on the challenge.

The Virtual Coast to Coast Challenge lasted for six weeks, but some participants managed to complete it in half that time. The first team to finish was WCF, with Deputy Managing Director Phil Murray completing the challenge in less than three weeks. The team, known as the WCF Warriors, consisted of members of the firm’s senior leadership team and one family member. They also raised the highest total, thanks in part to a match funding donation from the firm.

Jo Ritzema, Managing Director of WCF, expressed their delight in supporting Cumbria Community Foundation in their silver anniversary year and participating in a unique challenge. She also mentioned that the team was motivated by the efforts of others, especially on days with bad weather, and that there was a healthy level of competition to top the leaderboard. She also expressed gratitude for the generosity of everyone who sponsored them and the match funding contribution from WCF.

The challenge was designed to be inclusive for people of all abilities. Heather Sewell, Communications Manager for Cumbria Tourism, who took part with a team from her workplace, shared that as someone with a complex heart condition, she would not have been able to complete the “real” Coast to Coast route. But the virtual version provided her with a significant challenge and a great incentive to get out and explore the county, benefiting her physical and mental health.

Caroline Adams, Development Manager for Cumbria Community Foundation, expressed her delight in the overwhelming support for the challenge and the Foundation’s cause. She also mentioned that the challenge has provided many memorable moments and raised valuable funds for communities in need across the county.

A team from Cumbria Community Foundation also participated in the challenge, with Caroline stating that they even set up an exercise bike in one of their meeting rooms to maintain their good habits after the challenge ended.

A celebration event was held on Monday, July 15, 2024, at the North Lakes Hotel in Penrith to bring all participants together and thank them for their efforts. Prizes and goody bags were kindly provided by Asda Workington, New Balance, Flimby, Cranstons, Grasmere Gingerbread, and Wild & Fruitful.

To find out more about how to support Cumbria Community Foundation, visit their website at https://www.cumbriafoundation.org.

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