“Charity Awards 2024: Naturewatch Foundation Among Finalists”

Naturewatch Foundation, a leading organization in the animal welfare sector, has been announced as a finalist for this year’s prestigious Charity Awards. The organization has been recognized in the Animal and Environment category for its innovative Force Control Room Wildlife Crime animated training package.

The project, which aims to address the disconnect between the public reporting of heinous wildlife crimes and the response from police staff, has been highly successful since its launch in August 2023. To date, it has reached over 5,000 police staff members, covering over 93% of police forces in England and Wales. Feedback from rural crime team police officers has shown a marked improvement in the handling of wildlife crime reports, ensuring a more effective and timely response.

In recognition of their efforts, Chief Inspector Lacks-Kelly, Head of the National Wildlife Crime Unit (NWCU), has praised Naturewatch Foundation as “unsung heroes” and highlighted their critical role in delivering a strategic policing priority. He also expressed his gratitude to the organization and its members for their ongoing support in the fight against wildlife crime.

The Charity Awards, which announced its shortlist on May 17th, is the most highly regarded excellence recognition scheme in the charity sector. This year’s independent panel of sector leaders have judged all 30 shortlisted charities for their demonstration of best practices in leadership and management, setting an example for other organizations to follow.

The winners of the ten categories, as well as the recipients of the Overall Award for Excellence and the Daniel Phelan Award for Outstanding Achievement, will be announced at a black-tie dinner on July 9th at the Royal Lancaster Hotel in London. The evening will be hosted by broadcaster and commentator Baroness Ayesha Hazarika, with the presence of celebrities, representatives of the shortlisted charities, and leaders from some of the most well-known and respected charities.

Matthew Nolan, Chief Executive of Civil Society Media, which organizes the Charity Awards, congratulated Naturewatch Foundation on making the highly coveted shortlist. He commended the professionalism of this year’s entries and the clear focus on good governance, strong leadership, and effective management.

Peter Hugh Smith, Chief Executive at CCLA, Overall Partner of the Charity Awards, also expressed his admiration for the sector and the transformative power of compassion, determination, and resilience. He reaffirmed CCLA’s commitment to championing the remarkable efforts of charities, both large and small, across the UK.

Sarah Carr, Chief Executive of Naturewatch Foundation, expressed her gratitude to the organization’s supporters and partners for their continued support in enabling the staff team to campaign and deliver animal welfare projects. She also thanked the judges for recognizing their efforts and shortlisting them for such a prestigious award, saying it inspires them to keep persevering and campaigning for a kinder world for all living things.

Distributed by https://pressat.co.uk/

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