“2024 Virchow Prize Honors Lucy Gilson and Johan Rockström”

Berlin, July 15, 2024 – This year’s recipient of the Virchow Prize is set to be Lucy Gilson and Johan Rockström, two renowned individuals who have made significant contributions towards safeguarding human and planetary health. The prize, which is under the high patronage of the President of the German Bundestag, is endowed with 500,000€ and recognizes individuals who have made exceptional efforts towards promoting human rights, solidarity, and equity while working towards the United Nations 2030 Agenda Sustainable Development Goals.

Lucy Gilson, who heads the Health Policy and Systems Division at Cape Town University in South Africa and is also a Professor of Health Policy and Systems at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine in the UK, has been recognized for her transformative research in promoting sustainable and just governance. Her work focuses on advocating for people-centered health systems and translating strategies into tangible improvements on the ground. Through her efforts, significant progress has been made towards achieving universal health coverage and equitable access to quality healthcare.

Johan Rockström, who leads the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research in Germany, holds a professorship at Stockholm University in Sweden, and serves as Chief Scientist of Conservation International in the United States, has been honored for his pioneering work in the field of planetary boundaries. His work revolves around defining a safe operating space for humanity to thrive sustainably and responsibly for future generations. This concept addresses critical issues such as climate change, biodiversity loss, freshwater use, and nutrient cycles, all of which have a direct impact on human health.

Gilson and Rockström’s advocacy for a holistic and systemic approach to health has had a significant influence on global policy and provides a science-based framework for addressing diverse health challenges around the world. Their work highlights the importance of interdisciplinary and cross-sectoral research in achieving the common goal of “Health for All.”

The Virchow Prize, awarded annually by the non-profit Virchow Foundation, will be presented at an award ceremony on October 12 at Berlin City Hall, under the high patronage of German Bundestag President, Bärbel Bas. The foundation is currently accepting accreditation for media representatives until October 10, 2024. More information can be found on the foundation’s website, virchowprize.org.

Media representatives can contact Steffi Gasteiger, the Communication & Partnerships Manager at the Virchow Foundation, for more information at press@virchow.foundation or by phone at +49 152 28251093.

This news story has been distributed by https://pressat.co.uk/.

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